The RWTH has numerous modern buildings for teaching and research. However, there are no special places for leisure, space to let your own creativity and commitment run free, or room for a bit of a scene.
To create a place for alternative projects, cool parties and a bit of a scene in Aachen. In other words, for everything that does not yet exist. First and foremost, it should be a meeting place for students. A place where you can do everything that you otherwise miss. A platform for one’s own plans and ideas. Some university buildings and spaces are unused. We want to open this space for you and your ideas. No matter if it is urban gardening, your own summer party or a cultural project. We also want to create spaces for student engagement and the many initiatives at RWTH Aachen University. For the time being, there should be no limits to creativity. We have already proven that we can implement something like this with the bicycle workshop.
We would also like to involve you at this point. Send us an email to or post under the hashtag #rwthgreencampus.